Mastering the WHERE Clause in SQL (or Spark SQL)


In our last blog, we explored data analysis in Databricks. Today, we’re diving deep into one of the fundamental aspects of SQL (or Spark SQL) queries – the WHERE clause. Let’s explore its power and versatility!

Understanding the WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause is crucial in SQL for filtering records that meet specific conditions, optimizing data retrieval and manipulation. It prevents fetching unnecessary data, making queries more efficient and faster.

Scenario 1: Filtering by Name

Let’s filter employee records to show only employees named Stephen using the WHERE clause.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = 'Stephen';


This query retrieves employee records where the name is ‘Stephen’, providing targeted information about employees with that name.

Scenario 2: Filtering by Multiple Names

Now, let’s extend this example to filter for employees named Stephen or Syed.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name IN ('Stephen', 'Syed');


This query retrieves employee records where the name is either ‘Stephen’ or ‘Syed’, showcasing how to use the IN operator in the WHERE clause for multiple conditions.

Scenario 3: Combining Conditions with AND

Let’s filter for employees with the first name ‘Stephen’ and last name ‘Jiang’ using the AND operator.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE firstName = 'Stephen' AND lastName = 'Jiang';


This query retrieves employee records where the first name is ‘Stephen’ and the last name is ‘Jiang’, demonstrating the use of the AND operator in the WHERE clause for combining multiple conditions.

Scenario 4: Filtering by Range of IDs

Let’s filter for employees with IDs between 274 and 280 using the BETWEEN operator.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE id BETWEEN 274 AND 280;


This query retrieves employee records whose IDs fall within the range of 274 to 280, showcasing how to use the BETWEEN operator in the WHERE clause.

Scenario 5: Filtering by Specific IDs

Now, let’s filter for employees with IDs specifically 274 and 280 using the IN operator.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE id IN (274, 280);


This query retrieves employee records whose IDs are either 274 or 280, demonstrating the use of the IN operator in the WHERE clause for specific value filtering.

Scenario 6: Pattern Matching with LIKE

Let’s filter for employees whose names start with ‘S’ using the LIKE operator.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'S%';


This query retrieves employee records whose names start with ‘S’, showcasing the use of the LIKE operator with a wildcard % in the WHERE clause for pattern matching.

Scenario 7: Sorting Results

Finally, let’s extend the previous example to sort the query results by first name.

Example Query:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name LIKE 'S%' ORDER BY firstName;


This query retrieves employee records whose names start with ‘S’, sorted by the first name in ascending order, demonstrating the combination of WHERE clause filtering with sorting using ORDER BY.


You now understand various applications of the WHERE clause in SQL (or Spark SQL) for filtering data based on different conditions. Stay tuned for more tutorials on PySpark and advanced data analysis techniques. Thank you for watching!

Stay tuned for our next session where we’ll dive even deeper into PySpark and advanced data analysis techniques. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon to stay updated with our latest content!

Mastering The Where Clause Pyspark Databricks